News Releases

19 July 2016

Convergence Solutions LLC continues to improve the daily nomination and confirmation processes in its Gas Tracking System. We have recently updated GTS with the following enhancements.

Q2 2016 GTS Release Includes:

  • More new enhanced Nomination Confirmation Management Features - nomination level documentation and re-time scheduling status.

About Convergence Solutions LLC
Formed in 2011, Convergence Solutions LLC is a leading provider of Natural Gas Transportation and Customer Choice Management solutions bringing together the most experienced software development team in the industry. Since 1995, Convergence Solutions’ team has worked together applying proven software development processes and professional utility expertise to analyze business operations to develop Natural Gas management solutions.

Gas Tracking System (GTS) is a secured web solution providing natural gas utilities and suppliers a seamless way to manage their Natural Gas Transportation and Choice programs. GTS provides the channel for tracking, accounting and billing of natural gas delivered through interstate pipelines serving millions of natural gas customers being managed by utilities, energy suppliers and pipelines. GTS SaaS managed services provide the security, reliability, performance and highest level of support utilities expect and require.

Convergence Solutions works extensively with their clients in managing their solutions to meet the continuously changing business and regulatory requirements along with providing support for the solutions they have developed and integrated over the past decade.

Take GTS for a Test Run
Are you interested in seeing first hand the features and capabilities of GTS? Schedule a time to view a software demonstration or call 315.635.1695 x111 to speak with a representative.